Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So fucking tired of the drama.

I FEEL LIKE IM IN HIGHSCHOOL!!! and Highschool was the absolute WORST experience of my life. For the past year and a half, I've (yes...) been trying to benefit myself. SHOCKER!! I found myself giving so much to other people and not taking care of myself, so yes, I'm allowed to take opportunities that come to me, and do things that are going to enrich my life. Like making new friends. I've had a hard time making friends. I'm not saying I want to find a bestfriend, or even someone that I can share extremely emotional things with, but damn! can I find someone to watch movies with and get drunk with without other people throwing hissy fits like they're 12 years old! Everyone needs to grow up, because you're the ones causing the drama. 

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