Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm calling this an apology.

Calling me at 3am, so stay on the phone with you and make sure you don't piss on your $300.00 designer jeans. 

I'm calling that an apology. 

I'm pretty sure this is what you call love. We can scream, and we can yell, and say things we may or many not mean. I can sit here this evening wondering if Im doing the right thing. Then at night, all you want to do is be with me, and when you can't, all you want is to here my voice. You let me know that you need me, in your own way. Your rough exterior, you could never come out and say it. But you call me, and want me, and I know that if I could just be with you, you'd hold me, and everything would be alright in my world again. 

So here I'm laying, on the phone with you, making sure you get home safely because you won't let me come rescue you. And all I want is to fall asleep to your voice. 

Saturday, June 27, 2009

LUSH review/ MAC haul

 M.A.C. Studio Moisture Cream - $31.00, $20.00 with my MACpro discount - This stuff is the best stuff of my life!! I finally have a skincare regiment and this is fantastic, and you don't need a lot. Its a little pricey, but definitely worth it. I put it on before my foundation (lately I've been using a tinted moisturizer because its summer and regular foundation would sweat off) and it goes on so smoothly!


 Jasmine and Henna Fluff Ease Conditioner - OMG. This stuff is so wonderful!! I put it on my dry hair while I was in the bath and let it soak in for about 35 minutes, and then just washed it out, no shampoo or anything. I let my hair dry naturally so I could get the full effect of the product, and the outcome was AMAZING. It weighed my hair down without being greasy, so that I had these really cute beachy waves instead of full on really curly hair like I usually do. The package said to use 1/4 of the jar, but I didn't need that much. 
 Herbalism Face Cleanser - I've been using this because I got it for free, like ALOT of product for free, 1/8 of a pound. I like angels on bareskin better, but Im using this until it runs out. But all in all, a good product, does pretty much the same thing that angels on bare skin does, but I noticed a little more glow and softness with Angels. 

I'm not going anywhere.

I think I fight with you, because I love you so much. 

I am a person that has feelings. Emotions, and I've come to grips with them, and controlled them, and am able to identify now what they are. But sometimes, you act like I don't have feelings. That I couldn't possibly  be there for you enough, when Im there for you, every second of every day. 

You tell me I don't understand what's going on in your head, that you're all fucked up. None of this is my fault, or my responsibility, but will you let me in a little bit? Give me an idea of how I can make your life a little easier, other than being who you want me to be to you. For once in a very long time, I'm doing what's right for myself. I'm alright alone. 

But I'm not going anywhere. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

LUSH review and haul

Ive been a little behind on my LUSH hauls and reviews. First with reviews:

 Figs and Leaves Soap - This is probably my new favorite soap. The smell is like...earthy and orange, and it has these little exfoliating fig seeds in it. It also lathers really well, is moisturizing and lasts long. 

And for my haul!

 Herbalism Face Cleanser - $6.48 for 1/8 lb but I got mine free - For being, I guess, a "valued customer", I got a coupon for either a 1/8 lb facial product, or 1/8 lb solid shampoo. Now, I wish I would have gotten a shampoo. I wanted fresh farmacy or coal face, to try out how the block soaps work, and somehow let the sales woman talk me into this. It smells interesting to say the least, and I don't really like the messiness of these products, but I'll try it. I got a HUGE portion for free. 
Vitamin E Toner Tab - $1.50 - You put these in a hot bowl of water and let the steam seep into your pores. Just curious about the product. 
Vitamin C Toner Tab - ''
 Brazened Honey Face Mask - Unknown price - I got a sample of this, because I wanted to try it versus the love lettuce and didn't want to buy a whole thing. LUSH doesn't sell them online because they only last 3 weeks because they're fresh and have to be refrigerated. I picked this one because it was for normal skin, and was known to make skin "glow". It smells like honey and bananas. 

Monday, June 22, 2009

My aha moment

So I had this weird..."aha moment" today in therapy. Yes...I just quoted Oprah. 
For the longest time I tried to look for "ideal" friends. If they weren't exactly who I wanted them to be, I didn't put in effort to make a friendship work. I had a list of values and priorities that I felt needed to be met, and that someone worth my time would have. 
In having these "categories," I actually found people that made me incredibly miserable. People that required my attention all the time, people that were emotional, people who took advantage of me, in more just than just financial ways (because my parents had money!). People who just weren't positive people and brought me down, rather than up, which is why I was looking for these people in the first place. That is the person who I used to be, I found these types of friends because they mirrored who I was. But through therapy, and self-discovery, and separating myself from these people, and honestly - being a little bit selfish in order to take care of myself for a change, I've become someone new, my real self. 
What I discovered today is that, in not looking for the "ideal" friend, and just surrounding myself with people who make me happy, they have become my "ideal" friends. No, they may not be as emotional as I, they may not want to sit and just watch TV (which is good for me, it gets me active!). I've found just people who clearly have no drama whatsoever in their lives. They live simply, and happily. 
I put these people in lists in my head. I write them down in my handwriting, and decide what my best plans of action are. There are people I met when I was depressed and had no idea who I was. All I wanted was a friend, and they took advantage of that. There is someone who has known me through thick and thin, and never left my side, never judged me, loved me for who I was, knew who I was, when I didn't even know, sat with me when I cried, held me when I needed to be held. And then there are people that are my future. Who I want to be more like, who I want to surround myself with, and who just like me for me. 

Alice in Wonderland promo pics

Saturday, June 20, 2009

marry you

I could marry you tomorrow, in any color dress.
I've realized how important some people are in your life. I sat with my mom today and realized something. I'm not worried of John ever leaving. We've been friends for almost 3 years, and he's never left. Not once did he threaten to leave me, he's always been honest with me, and I've always had the ability to be honest with him. I've said things he didn't like, I've made decisions he hasn't agreed with, but he's never left my side, never diminished the amount of support he's given me over the years. And I love him for that. I love him more than a lover could love someone they're intimate with. I love him in a different way that I've loved anyone else. He's there. No matter what. He's there to pick up the pieces. I remember when Kyle ditched me at a party once, near the end of our relationship. John came over and watched True Life with me all night. I remember when he found that ridiculous thing on on demand that was just a fireplace crackling and he held me for no reason and we fell asleep. I remember when I lived with Kyle and talked about John my sleep. And I remember the times he's made love to me, held me with my face against his chest. Protective. And the other night, when he said he wanted to leave chicago. I remember thinking in my head how everyone wants to leave, leave me. And instead he said to Dean "and ill just take her with me".

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So fucking tired of the drama.

I FEEL LIKE IM IN HIGHSCHOOL!!! and Highschool was the absolute WORST experience of my life. For the past year and a half, I've (yes...) been trying to benefit myself. SHOCKER!! I found myself giving so much to other people and not taking care of myself, so yes, I'm allowed to take opportunities that come to me, and do things that are going to enrich my life. Like making new friends. I've had a hard time making friends. I'm not saying I want to find a bestfriend, or even someone that I can share extremely emotional things with, but damn! can I find someone to watch movies with and get drunk with without other people throwing hissy fits like they're 12 years old! Everyone needs to grow up, because you're the ones causing the drama. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

LUSH review you've been mangoed, ocean salt, and The godmother

The Godmother Soap - This is just a plain soap that I used in the bath today. As a bar, it smells wonderful - just like swedish fish! Not really sweet, not plastic. Really good. I grabbed a slice that I had precut and used the entire slice to wash my entire body. The slices I cut were pretty small, so I used the entire slice. It created a pretty good lather, Ill give it a 8/10. It wasn't super moisturizing, but the smell lingers. Not like Honey I washed the kids, but it lingers a bit after you get out. I probably wouldn't purchase this again after I use it up, but if I got it as a gift or something, I'd use it.

Ocean Salt - So I thought that maybe I liked this at first, or maybe I just tried to make myself like it because it smelled so good. I almost put this on like I would a face mask, really thick, and then sat in the hot bathwater so it seeped into my pores deeper. After about 2 minutes, it started to burn to the point that I couldn't enjoy my bath and had to wash it off. It stung my eyes pretty bad as I was washing it off, and just like last time, if it gets anywhere near your lips, if you lick them later, all you get is a mouthful of salt. My face is pretty smooth because it sloshes off dead skin cells, and exfoliates, but my face feels pretty dry, even with Tea Tree Toner on afterwards. Definitely won't be buying this product again, but will probably use the rest of it on my feet or something.
P.S. - As I was washing it off too, the sea salt got in my nipple rings...OWWIE!!
You've been mangoed bath melt - I really like bath melts. Now that I've tried the bath melts, bubble bars, and bath bombs, I'd have to say bath bombs are my favorite (they have the smell, pretty color to the water, and very moisturizing), then bath melts (they leave the water super milky, and pretty, are about as equal to bath bombs as moisturizing, and leave a slight smell), and last bubble bars (but maybe thats just the amandopondo bar, it did create lots of bubbles, which is what it's for, by the smell was lacking). Theres only 2 other bath melts I have interest in trying (dreamtime and cerdiwens cauldron), and I own cerdiwens cauldron, so we'll see how I like the others. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

registered sex offenders

Im so bored that i looked up sex offenders in oak park...and found one that lives at the end of my block. wtf

Rosin, Mitchell V
Address: 935 Forest 
Zip code: 60302
Crime: Criminal Sexual Abuse (2 Counts)
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1966-11-11
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: White

texts from last night

Sorry about the ridiculous amounts of posts tonight. On textsfromlastnight and LOL (yea.I actually laughed out loud)

(410): Last night he was fingering me with one hand to his ear, calling himself 'dj clittles'
(301): Thats what happens when go home with guys that wear shutter shades to the bar..

(716): I just saw a dog and thought "Hey! A goat!" Then realized it was a dog. Now I'm sad.
(totally reminds me of is that good or bad?)

(919): I bet Jafar would keep his hat on during
(I hope only 2 of you understand why this means something to me)

Why I'm glad that I am sans-boyfriend.

Why Im glad that I am sans-boyfriend:

1. I can be selfish with my money. If I was in a relationship, I'd be paying for half (if not all) meals. Gas, to be picking them up, dropping them off, etc. If I wanted to do an activity that required money, I'd probably be paying for that. INSTEAD: I can spend my money on LUSH, MAC, and clothes. 

2. I enjoy eating meals by myself. Sometimes I like to sit at a sushi bar, and eat what I like, and not have to share. Not worry if I have food on my face, or I'm eating super politely. You don't have to try and make conversation, and you can get time by yourself to reflect and think.

3. I like having time to do things I enjoy, when I want to do them. If I had a boyfriend, would I really have time to take a relaxing bath, sit all day reading a book, spending weekends with my mom? Probably not. Most of my time would be devoted to spending time with them, or thinking about them.

4. I can have friends that are guys. I can flirt, and have fun, and even live with a guy (my roommate Kris!) without some boyfriend getting jealous. If I had a boyfriend and walked around in the things I walk around in around Kris, I'd be shot dead. I can go to parties, and drink, without having to answer to some guy at the end of the night. And vice versa, I don't have to sit at home and be jealous that he could be out somewhere getting drunk and hitting on girls.

5. I don't have to worry about anyones safety. When I date someone, I always worry about them getting home safely at the end of the night whether I'm with them or not. Waiting up til late hours of the night is not fun, I've done it several times.

6. If I ever need the perks of a boyfriend, I have that. I have boys that I can be taken out by for a nice evening, with no emotional aspect whatsoever. And I also have the emotional/sexual aspects of a relationship and can be in love with someone and not have to worry about the things listed above. We keep each other in check.

LUSH review on Amandopondo and Godiva

I just took a bath, listened to some Jack Johnson with Kris and painted my toenails hot pink, so Im in a good mood! 
Some review:
 Godiva Solid Shampoo - Im not sure yet if this did anything spectacular to my hair, but I'd buy it again for the scent alone! I got out of the bath about 2 hours ago, and my hair still smells like Jasmine. I love the amazing lather too, you don't have to use a lot of product, and I can probably get 10-12 shower uses out of that. Its a little more expensive than regular shampoo, but it also doesn't have a container, so its ecofriendly, and fits nicely into the LUSH tin that I got for free. The only thing I didn't like was that it was only a shampoo, and I didn't want to just then use regular conditioner, so Im looking online right now if they have conditioner bars. (No conditioner bars but will try retread conditioner next time I get over there) Will for sure be buying this again...and might even buy solid shampoos instead now! 
***apparently a lot of people don't use conditioner after using this because it has a conditioner in it. Thats awesome, because I love the smell too much to put something in after this. Im going to try it for a month, while doing a conditioning retread or the strokes mask once a week and see how it works.
*********For whatever reason i said that i would get 10-12 uses out of my shampoo bar. LIES!!! 60-80 uses.

 Amandopondo Bubble Bar - I'm still on the fence about this one. A lot of people have said that half a bar will work for one bath, but when I take a bath, I want a super big bubbly bath. I got ALOT of fantastic bubbles, that didn't die down at all (I had to wash them out with the shower after my bath). The water was moisturizing, which is always nice. BUT there was no smell at all to the bath. If I'm going to pay $5-$7 for a bath product, I want a heavy scent thats going to stay in the bath, and then on my skin afterwards. I just didn't get that from this. Im going to try other bubble bars and see if the scent lingers before I purchase this again, because Im sure theres other bars that leave stronger scents amongst the bubbles.

Apartment finished! LUSH haul

So. Im offically moved out of my old apartment, keys turned in, never looking back. So I decided to treat LUSH. OMG SUCH A SURPRISE!
One thing I've noticed is that things sound like they'd smell really good online, but then smell icky. 
 Lemslip Buttercream - $4.79 for my slice - I had wanted to try the buttercreams for a long time. After reading that "heavenly bodies" was chocolate orange, I really wanted to try it, but HATED the scent in the store. Instead I got the lemon,lime,coconut scented buttercream, because I knew I loved the smell. The salesgirl warned me that its not a lathering soap, but very moisturizing. Ill have to see!
 Avobath bath bomb - $5.80 - I have been wanting to try this bath bomb for a while, because people keep raving about how moisturizing it is, and its got this wonderful lemongrass scent to it. 
 Youki - Hi Bath Bomb - $5.85 - This one has glitter in it, which is a nice little surprise, and smells of jasmin and ylang-ylang. so pretty.
 Godiva Solid Shampoo Bar - $9.25 - Ive been wanting to try a solid shampoo for a long time, just because its resourceful and Im not totally in love with my shampoo currently. Im a little apprehensive because I've never tried a shampoo bar before, but im excited to try it. It smells like Jasmine.
 Ultimate Shine Solid Shampoo - $9.25 - Violet, elemi and ylang ylang smell SO good. Ive heard this stuff makes your hair noticeably shiny, so decided to try it.

 Candy Fluff Dusting Powder - Usually $11.25  but I got a tester - I didn't want to spend a lot of money on something I didn't know if I would love or not. So the salesgirl gave me a sample. I kept talking about how much I love LUSH, and she asked me if there was anything online I had seen that I wanted to try. I should have said more stuff, because she would have given me a sample of everything in the store if I wanted, she was so nice. This is sweet, which usually is unlike me, but I liked it the best out of the 3 there was, and it has small bits of glitter in it.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nino Boss

I don't know why I've been having weird sexual dreams about people lately, that I never think about in my regular day to day life. I just woke up from a dream about a model (maybe thats why..? lol) that I body-painted last halloween. He is very pretty. And has a very pretty girlfriend.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sex Dream

It's rather strange, but sometimes I wake myself up from sex dreams because I can have an orgasm in my sleep. Weird, right? I've heard it's actually pretty common, and my sex dreams have made sense in the past. However, last night, I had a dream about some guy I was involved with like...7 years ago? I never think about him, and it's just very strange, because obviously my subconscious does. 

Yucky, yucky, yucky, and AVEDA

Yummy Yummy Yummy Shower Cream - EWWWWW!!!! I hate this stuff! Worst LUSH product I've ever used. It smelled light and fresh in the store, and I just used it in the shower, and I want to throw up. It reminds me of something from my childhood. Do you remember those Strawberry Shortcake plastic dolls they sold that had scented hair? It smells like plastic and artificial strawberries. It also doesn't come out like a regular shower product, its gooey, and watery and too much of the product comes out if you're not careful. I even used Woosh Shower Jelly right after I used yummy,yummy,yummy, and the smell STILL didn't go away!!! This is going right up on makeupalley for a swap, never using it again!

 Angels on bare skin - So I said I would try this out in the shower, because it was super messy and I didn't like that. Maybe I was a little biased, because now, its not so bad. Its SO much easier to use in the shower, so you can apply it when your conditioner is in, and then rinse everything out together, face and hair. So maybe after a couple tries, this may be something Ill repurchase. 

**So it struck me while I was in the shower: for the people who know me, know that I attended AIC (Aveda Institute of Chicago) Cosmetology School, and was given their entire product line, and about 70% of the items I never used (because I dropped out). EBAY! HELLO! I could make a killing off selling unopened aveda products, and whatever doesn't sell, I can swap for discontinued LUSH products. Im awesome. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009

More LUSH review

Thank GOD my bathtub got fixed, I was dying to use my LUSH bath products, and dying of like...stress. Im totally converted to a bath girl now. I didn't really take baths before, but Im totally addicted now, thanks to LUSH!
So I had this little routine:
 Love Lettuce - I put on my love lettuce face mask, and ran my bathwater. I loved that it had exfoliating little bits of almond in it, and was really cold and refreshing from being in the refrigerator. 
 Champagne Supernova Bath Bomb - I got into the tub (with my face mask still on) and plopped this bath bomb into the water. LOVE!!!! It immediately turned my bath water hot pink, and started to emit little bits of confetti.I had heard that bath bombs fizz out right away, but it literally took about 15 minutes for this bath bomb to completely dissolve, which us about how long I take in the bath to begin with. It smelled of cognac and oranges, and the water was extremely silky, and still had a very potent smell. When the bath bomb was done fizzing, it left me enough time to then wash off my love lettuce face mask thoroughly in the bath water. I then unplugged the drain and soaked into all the water had drained out.

 Tea Tree Water Toner - When I got out of the bath, my skin still smelled heavily of the supernova bath bomb, which is fantastic. I sprayed on some Tea Tree Water Toner, so it would hydrate my face from the mask. 

I LOVE ALL THESE PRODUCTS!! I will definitely be buying more bath bombs. They are so much fun, and Champagne Supernova was the only one I bought. It makes me want to take more baths!

Love Lettuce is also really nice, Ill have to use it one more time to make sure that I'll buy it again.

LUSH product review

Ive done so much LUSH hauls, but not really any reviews on what products I like, or didn't like, so this is what this post is!

 Woosh Shower Jelly - I LOVE shower jelly. I'm so thrilled that I got a chance to see a demo on a youtube video of how well they lather, because I would have never bought the jelly. I got approximately a $5.00 slice of woosh. When I got home, I cut it into about 17 little pieces, just from that slice. And each piece is still more than I need! What I do is take a little piece of the jelly and kneed it into my loofa so that it really gets into the little holes and breaks up the jelly. I do this mainly because I'm a little clumsy and don't want to drop the piece and have it go down the drain, so by making sure its secure in my loofa, I feel better. The lather it creates is INSANE! More than any other gel or product I've used. I will continue buying jellies. I haven't tried any other kinds because I don't really like overpowering sweet smells, but I might try a little of sweetie pie for the hell of it.  
Tea Tree Water Toner - I had a chance to use this once yesterday. I really like that its easy to use because it comes out of a spray bottle. The smell is really light as well, a mix of grapefruit and floral scents. I sprayed it on my arm first, and then sprayed it on my face before I put on my MAC strobe cream. It was really refreshing, but I haven't noticed a change in my skin. Hence, its only been a day, so I'm not judging yet. Maybe I'll try spraying it on and letting it airdry without putting makeup on right away. I hear that it tightens your pores. Still haven't decided if Ill repurchase this or not. 
 - Running to the Embassy - SOO disappointed in this. The saleswoman said that it was fantastic for your feet and contained pumice so it was really exfoliating. LIES!!! There's been no exfoliation, it melts so quickly, and it did nothing for my feet. I've used it once, and I can probably only use it about 2 or 3 more times before its gone. I do like the smell, but its not enough to make me want to purchase this product again. 
Ocean Salt Facial Scrub - This stuff smells really good. I love the citrus. I've used it only once, I heard I should only use it twice a week, so Im going to be using it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first time I used it, I mixed it up, put a little in my hand, and added a little water to the actual product instead of to my face. I feel like if I splash my face with water, that the salt will melt faster and I want a really exfoliating scrub. So far I like it. The only downside is that even though I washed it off thoroughly, I was still feeling little bits of salt on my face later in the day. I also licked my lips about an hour later and got this SUPER salty taste. I'm still debating if Ill buy this again.
 Mange Too Massage Bar - If only this came in another scent!! I love that it doesn't melt as quickly as some of the other bars, and it's huge, but the smell is just overpowering sweet to me. It has white chocolate, honey, and bananas in it. That sounds so good to me, but the banana isn't apparent, the white chocolate is. If it smelled more like bananas, this would be a keeper. Unfortunately, I wouldn't purchase this again.
Honey I Washed the Kids Soap - Oh My God!! Love at first smell. I loved the smell in the store, but was still intrigued as to why people were OBSESSED with it. I totally understand why now. After slicing my soap, I accidently cut off a little piece of this, and used it really quick just on my hands. The lather was nothing to write home about, but the smell stayed on my hands for like 2 hours! I was a fiend, being weird and smelling my hands. I got a huge chunk of this, but even when its gone, I will buy this soap for the rest of my life!
 Each Peach (And two's a Pear!) - Such a wonderful smell. I used this on my tattoo as it was healing and it was so moisturizing and (somewhat greasy, which is good for tats), that it healed so quickly! I bought my mom one too, and she uses it instead of lotion now. It doesn't give you that wet feeling like you can't put on clothes after you use it. Theres no possible way of getting too much, or anything like that. I love the idea of massage bars, and how they work, so Ill for sure be buying this again. When I went to LUSH recently, the sales woman tried to sell me Strawberry Feels Forever, which I think is too sweet, it smells like a strawberry milkshake, but when she cocktailed each peach with it, it smelled like strawberry lemonade! I may have to get that the next time I go.
 Buffy Body Butter - This is my favorite LUSH product EVER!! I'm so glad I got the bigger bar, even though it was more expensive. It has rice, and almonds in it, so it is the most exfoliating thing ever. My skin also does this weird itchy thing when I get in the shower sometimes (which means its super dry) so I rub this on my legs and feet mostly. Amazing!! 100% will buy this again.
 Angels on Bare Skin Facial Cleanser - This has a really strange smell to me. I didn't like the smell at all, but people had raved about it, and I was looking for a daily cleanser. This product is SO messy. Even pulling my hair back didnt stop this from getting in my hair. After I used it, I read that people use it in the shower, because its so messy. Ill try that, but right now, Im leaning to not repurchasing for the fact that its so messy, I don't like the smell, and it doesn't take off makeup.


Things that are making me angry face right now:

1- For some reason a bunch of my friends are being pessimistic. I know, I know, I'm not using depression as an excuse in ANY way, but as a depressed person, you want to fill your life with positive people. Why would I want to surround myself with people who are constantly in bad moods, and project it? I can be angry about something, but I always do my best to keep that inside when I'm in social areas, and at least TRY to have fun. I'm not going to go sit in a corner and sulk about my misfortunes. 

2 - New York getting their Adam Lambert Rolling Stones cover magazine, and not Chicago. First, I was told it came out yesterday, so I was frantically looking around for it, but the Lady Gaga cover is still everywhere. THEN, I find out from some idiot Jewel employee that it actually comes out tomorrow (which is today). But then today, I find out it really did come out yesterday. Apparently they've been "flying off the shelves" and are really hard to get, so I called all the main Borders in the Chicagoland area, who don't get their shipments in until later today, or tomorrow morning. WHAT THE FUCK! I WANT MY ADAM LAMBERT!!!

3 - My cat running into things and making herself bleed. I have a bedroom with a door now (thank god!) so I can have my privacy, and keep her hair off of everything, but sometimes she does this weird thing where she'll slam herself against my bedroom door, and it scares me. I dont want my babygirl to bleed. It could have also been from her messing around with this sterling silver tableware tray and it falling  on her and cutting her. She's cut on her chin, and I tried to wipe off the dried blood and it sounded like I was hurting her, so I stopped. She's clawing and crying at the door as I write this.

Things that are making me happy face! - 

1. That my boo's coming over tonight. I haven't seen him in a week. He's been giving me a hard time about not coming to the suburbs, but I need to establish my home here in Chicago. If I'm coming back to the suburbs all the time, how am I going to make my apartment feel like home? And plus, now I know that it's at least an hours drive one way at any time of the day. And eats up gas like crazy. We're going to watch some Season 5 of Entourage and possibly some thai food. Yummy.

2 - Possibly going to the Botanic Gardens this weekend with my mama and Kathy! We've been planning to do this for such a long time, everyone just hasn't been free on days when it has been nice enough to go. I first went there when we did a runway show in college there, with Betsey Johnson designs, and fell in love. Each garden is so pretty. Definitely a place I would consider getting married.  The English Rose Garden and the Japanese Garden are my favorites. My mama and I went in the fall, but now it's Spring/Summer, and probably a lot prettier!

3 - LUSH. Kinda owns my life right now. I found a freestanding store on Armitage and Halsted, and go there probably more than I should. I think I'm pretty much at a place where I have everything I want right now. However, don't have a bathtub that works!! I need to call my landlord today. But all I've been doing is watching LUSH hauls online, and being a geek. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Went to LUSH with Ayen yesterday. Im turning into a fiend. I need to stop for a little while. BUT here goes my haul anyway.
 Ceridwens Cauldron bath melt - $7.95 - This is only the second bath melt I've bought, but I liked that it came in a pouch. There's oats, and cocoa butter in it, so that when the melt can use the oats to exfoliate! The scent is tangerine, lavender, sandalwood, and frankincense. 
 Yummy Yummy Yummy Shower gel - $8.95 - Im not a fan of really sweet smelling things, but this smelled really good to me. The scent is strawberries, honey, and almond oil. I was intrigued to buy a basic shower gel, even though I love my woosh shower jelly. 
 Figs and Leaves Soap - $6.23 for my piece - I LOVE this scent, and the sales woman said that it had fig seeds in it for exfoliation. Holla! The scent of it is ylang ylang and oranges. Yummy!!
 Tea Tree Water Toner - $7.95 - I like their regular face products -  I have Ocean Salt, Love Lettuce (which i havent tried yet), and Angels on Bare Skin, so I wanted to try a toner, since I dont really like my DHC toner. This one is a spray bottle too, so thats cool. It has Tea Tree and grapefruit in it, so we'll see how I like it...

**Its best to cure your soaps before you use them. This means to leave them unwrapped in room temperature 2-3 days before you use them. It makes the product more long lasting, and brings out natural oils so that the scent is more apparent.

So, here in Chicago, they've done something horrible to me, and put a LUSH freestanding store across the street from a MACpro store. Everytime I go to LUSH, its impossible not to go to MACpro, so Im going to start including my MAC haul here as well.

 Creamsheen "Like Sin" Lipglass - Regular $1875, MACpro discount approximately $9.00 - This is a discontinued product!! I bought one in "boy bait", and loved the texture of it, I wish I would have gone back and bought all of them. I thought they had all been sold out, but this really adorable sales girl yesterday grabbed some out of the back for another customer. So I got one of the last ones! "like sin" is the dark red lipglass, and is going to be my "night" lipgloss.

Rose Pigmint - Regular $16.00, MACpro Discount approximately $7.00 - I have been wanting this color in an eyeshadow for a long time, and when the sales woman put it on me, it came out SO pink. I didn't really like it, so when I saw someone else try it on in the pigment form, I loved it. It had more purple in it, and had that kind of burnt, smokey look. For whatever reason the color isn't coming up on the website but its so pretty.
Girlie Eye Shadow - regular $11.00, MACpro Discount approximately $4.50 - I saw this color the other day, and liked it, I don't know why I didnt get it the other day, but its really pretty and goes well with the rose pigment. 
 "Tint" Cream color base - Unsure of the price - This color is really pretty. Its mainly used for the cheeks, but can also be used as a base for eyeshadows.